Thursday, July 17, 2008

13 Photos We Took At Eli's Chuck E. Cheese Party

1. Eli with his friend Jack and mechanical Chuck E. Cheese.

2. Georgia was happy before she got near the scary ass Chuck E. Cheese.

3. Then she had a melt down.

4. Eli loves playing the games.

5. Here is one of his favorites - the roller coaster game.

6. Eli and his girlfriend Savannah. This gives me a visual of what things will be like in 10 years!
7. Yay! Time for cake!

8. More mechanical Chuck E. Cheese fun until . . .

9. The real Chuck E. Cheese came out.

10. In this shot, you can see our bored hostess.11. Eli was just happy that Chuck E. Cheese gave him a medal.12. Then it was time for presents!

13. Woo hoo!


Lori said...

It looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Great pics:) Happy TT.

Meju said...

They are all great...but the one with the girlfriend is tops!

Pretty Life Online said...

Great shots for TT! Mine's up too hope you can drop by. Happy TT!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Cute! But I loathe Chuck E Cheese :P

Anonymous said...

MMMMM... cake!

Denise Patrick said...

It looks like a wonderful time was had by all - except maybe Georgia. Oh, and that rollercoaster game Eli was playing - you can get something like it for your computer at home (you get to build the rollercoaster, then ride it).

Happy TT!

Crazy Working Mom said...

OMG, I loved #7!!! Too funny. :)
I'm glad they all had a great time, well minus Georgia being terrified of the big scary mouse!