Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Bath Time


tatnlace said...

oops, guess we forgot to take the clothes off. She must love the water!

Anonymous said...

Clothes and all eh? She sure is a cutie. Happy Valentines day.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

awww, how cute!

smiles, bee

Desert Songbird said...

So, had to hose her down, eh?

Scribbit said...

What a fun thing to try!

Anonymous said...

Great way to save on the laundry! She's so cute! I think Charlie loves the water that much too!

Have a Happy Hearts Day!

Pfingston said...

Happy WW! :-)

katherine. said...

bath and laundry all at once!
(what a cutie)

Anonymous said...

You can forgive a face like that anything! ;-)

Donna. W said...

Oh well, the clothes will dry. Great picture.

TJ said...

LOL that's just great. I can see my jack being the same!

Sunrunner said...

Ummmm...why does she have her clothes on? hee hee Did she sneak into the tub while you weren't looking?

Anonymous said...

We have baths like that all the time. My 2 year old often climbs in fully dressed!

The best is when he still has shoes on!! :)

Happy WW and Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

Wait, someone needs to tell that child that she needs to take her clothes off BEFORE taking a bath. lol

Let me guess, she was impatient to begin? *grin*

Happy V-Day!

Anonymous said...

Two chores done at once, now that is a productive mom.

great photo

happy WW

Hootin Anni said...

Ummmmmm, but mom...there's no bubbles!!! Calgon take me away.

Happy Valentine's Day...

Raggedy said...
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Raggedy said...

She pitched a fit until someone let her in with them. I just know it. She got one sock off before she couldn't wait any
I love it!
Great Picture!
Happy Valentine's Day!
My WW is posted.

meh said...

AHH sweet. Clothes and all! Happy WW Valentine's

Anonymous said...

LOL! How funny!

Anonymous said...

LOL. The simple things that make kids happy. Like taking baths fully clothed.


Happy WW!

kuanyin333 said...

Happy Valentine's Day & WW to you and your adorable one!

Neila said...

I feel I should explain to everyone that I was giving my 4-year-old son Eli a bath. I left the room to get his pajamas, and when I came back, Georgia, my 19-month-old had hopped into the tub fully clothed.

This really isn't the way I do my laundry/bathe my children. Although that's not a bad idea. . . ;-)

Lynanne said...

Absolutely hilarous!!!! I love that you thought to grab your camera and take a photo!

Biker Betty said...

Oh Boy, lol. Now there's one way to get the kiddo and clothes all washed at the same time.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Unknown said...

Oh, this happened to me ONCE but I didn´t do it on purpose =)

And I didn´t look so cute LOL

Happy Valentine´s Day!

Mo and The Purries said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture!
Georgia is a cutie pa-tootie for sure!

crazymumma said...

You are the best mummy in the world! Clothes in the tub. awesome. She is delicious!

Sunrunner said...

hee hee hee I guessed it right!!!!