Sunday, February 18, 2007


Welcome to my newest series. This one is entitled “Things that hurt like a Mo Fo when you step on them in the middle of the night.”

Are you ready?

Dude! I can’t begin to tell you the expletives that came out of my mouth. I think my foot is still bleeding.


Desert Songbird said...

Owie, owie, OWIE! Man, my foot hurts just LOOKING at this! Ick....

Pattie said...

I just wanted to tell you that you have made me laugh out loud! I can just so relate!! It's funny the way things quickly come spewling out of your mouth....words that you hadn't heard yourself in a few years. OUCH!!

Barb said...


Kara said...

OW! Why is it that the really pokey things are the ones that get left right in the middle of the floor?! My latest is triangular blocks :P

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

note to self: careful of the SHAPES of toys i buy from now on. got it. thanks...

smiles, bee

Mo and The Purries said...

So THAT's what I heard in the middle of the night!

Crazy Working Mom said...

This is a familliar sight (and sound) at our house as well. Two nights ago I kicked a metal dump truck in the middle of the shin hit the bed part and it hurt SO bad. The kids were in bed so I tried to scream quietly! *LOL*

Liz Hill said...


What a hoot--sorry about your foot though.

My dogs leave me little "treasures" every now and then

Hmmm-- what's worse ?

step -OW oh ***K!!!


step--squish UGH oh ***k!!!!

Scribbit said...

Once my boys left a die-cast F-15 on the floor and it became wound up by the wheels in the loops of the carpteting. Not knowing this, I came around a corner, stepped on it, and the needle-like nose went into my heel. I was going fast enough though and the plane, caught in the carpeting, wasn't going anywhere so the force pulled an inch-long patch of skin off my foot. Talk about pain and howling and wailing. I dropped and cried for many minutes before being able to hobble to the bathroom and take care of my injury.

Anonymous said...

OMG. Talk about an instant way to make us mad. Stepping on a little toy. I'm more afraid then ever because recently Paul had a bruise on his foot that seemed to get worse. Turns out a piece of plastic toy was lodged in there like a splinter.

Kids Pick UP you Legos!

Anonymous said...

OMG. Talk about an instant way to make us mad. Stepping on a little toy. I'm more afraid then ever because recently Paul had a bruise on his foot that seemed to get worse. Turns out a piece of plastic toy was lodged in there like a splinter.

Kids Pick UP you Legos!

Lisa Ryan said...

OUCH. That was not fun. Nor are legos or jacks (or little presents from pets, blech).