Thursday, September 18, 2008

Get back to the table

When you have children, moms seem to turn into the mom taxi! Children are so busy with activities – soccer, dance, cheerleading, etc. – that sometimes it seems almost impossible to find the time to sit down as a family and eat dinner.

Libby’s has launched a Get Back To The Table campaign to remind families how important it is for families to sit down together at mealtime. Although 98 percent of moms think it is important that is important, only 61 percent of moms said their family actually sits down together every day at the dinner table.

I am thrilled to work with Libby’s and Mom Central on this blog tour to help spread the word about the Get Back To The Table campaign. The campaign highlights the benefits children receive from regular family meal times:

· Perform better in school
· Have a lower risk of smoking, drinking, and drug use
· Have higher self-esteem
· Develop stronger interpersonal relationships
· Eat healthier
· Teenage girls develop a healthier body image

For more information, visit Libby’s Get Back To The Table Web site at This Web site offers family dinner planning tools, time-saving tips, healthy recipes, and grocery-shopping and money-saving advice.


Anonymous said...

When we were young we ate dinner together and with the TV off. I think this is so important. Helps bond the family unit.

Bravo for Libby's new marketing campaign.

The Three Little Bears said...

I think part of the problem is that in the 50's the media established eating in front of the TV as the norm and sitting at the table as "best" rather than the norm. We've got to hardwire people to believe that sitting at the table to eat is the "norm" and that eating in front of the tv is nothing to crow about. Love following your blog!