This week's Manic Monday word is Wet. For more Manic Monday info, don't forget to
visit Morgen.I haven't done Manic Monday in awhile, but I thought this would be a good day to give it a shot since I had the perfect incident for Wet. Anyone who follows me on Facebook or Twitter might know a little bit about this incident.
I have been craving Cracker Barrel pancakes for weeks! Last month, we were planning to go get pancakes on my birthday, but my son decided to have a fever that weekend, so we couldn't go anywhere. We rescheduled for this last Friday because Eric was off work and the kids were on Spring Break.
We woke up on Friday morning and headed to Cracker Barrel. We walked in, sat down, and I asked Georgia "Do you want pancakes?" Georgia turned, looked at me and threw up all over me. Everyone's first reaction when I tell them this story is "Oh, poor Georgia." My first reaction was, "You have GOT to be fucking kidding me!!"
I immediately pulled her to me so the waves of puke would just go on me and not everywhere else. Unfortunately, the woman next to me was directly in my line of vision, and at Georgia's first gag, she put her hand to her mouth, and I thought she was going to toss her cookies, too. I figured I had better get Georgia out of there as quickly as possible, so I scooped her up and carried her out of the restaurant as quickly as I could. I thought I was being subtle, but the wet clomping of my shoe proved otherwise, and I knew I was leaving a trail of throw-up as I walked out of Cracker Barrel. Plus, Georgia threw up on me two more times on the way out the door, leaving me completely wet and covered with throw-up.
And here is the really annoying part. After we got home, she was FINE! Never had another incident, and acted perfectly normal! She just had to be sick at the one time we were getting pancakes - something I had wanted for weeks. Then she was fine. Can you tell that I'm still a little bitter?